There was never a day I didn't bring my bag to work. Before I was using a sling bag; but since I got my Belkin Bag sometime last Aug 2011, I am carrying it religiously thereafter. Actually Belkin bags are designed to carry your laptops, notebooks & netbooks. But what the hell. I can put inside whatever I want aside from my lappy. So what do I usually bring... everyday? See below.
My humble Belkin Bag
What's inside? Here they are...
I have
a) Work ID with UST lace (yes, I'm a proud Thomasian) ,
b) Starbucks planner (given by a doctor-friend) ,
c) Shokubutsu facial wash (for me to always look fresh! Aha!) ,
d) Darlie toothpaste & brush,
e) MaryKay Oil mattifier to fight that oily-ness! (given by my bestfriend),
f) Hayden's Ocean Breeze & Sandalwood fragrance (before I was carrying Burberry Weekend kaso ubos na...),
g) Passport
('coz who knows if I might encounter an unexpected Amazing Race-like moment? Right?)
Better be ready ALL the time!,
h) Gola wallet (here is where I puy my little treasures! Lol!),
i) Chocos! (I have them always) ,
j) House keys,
k) Thumbdrive/s,
l) pen,
m) Burt's Bees lipbalm (given by my workmate) ,
n) and lastly, but not the least! EZ-link card! I can go anywhere with this!
Matapang ang may EZ-link card! :)
Of course, aside from the above items, I also have them with me. My BFFs. Lol.
So, what have you?
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