Friday, January 18, 2013

getting used to

Lesson for today: People COME & GO...
and it's an imperative task for us to be good not most of the time but ALL of the time.
So when you part ways, everything that's left are just happy memories.... :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

On being me...

People might have noticed that I’m somehow being pessimistic with things going around me. 
But I don’t see it that way.
I’m just acting with things based on what’s reality is about. Yes, I also dream. But I choose to dream those which I know, can be a reality for me. I don’t fancy to reach for the stars, I don’t think no one can. I’d rather aim for apples than stars. More realistic right?

Monday, January 14, 2013


I want to break away from the monotony my daily life is having now. I’m getting bored. Seriously.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Bring it On... 2013!

Last year has gone soooo fast, and now another new year has come.
As much as I want to put my 2012 in detail, everything is quite a blur now.
All I know is that I'm here in Sg and somehow enjoying everything and everyone so that
I can put away myself from being lonely and homesick.
2012 has been tough on me, but I'm so glad that I made it through those 365 days.
2013 is a promise. A much better year for me. I have 1 whole year to make things around.
And one thing is for sure, I will enjoy each day of 2013.

Happy New Year!!! Let's embrace this coming days with much joy in our hearts. *Winks